Sunday, November 01, 2009

happy halloween from the drunk bitch...

So, I dressed up for the first time in years and the night was to be our first web show. However, in my attempts to get drunk enough to have a good time (yes, I have to drink to have a good time), I got annihilated. The evening started off easy and my bottle of vodka - anyone who knows me knows i am more of a shot girl - so, I got started. I was feeling buzzed and got my groove on early...this should have been the trigger to back off the shots...but nope, I had already drank myself stupid. 

I remember dancing to Miley and Taylor. I remember Amy going on the deck b/c here allergies were out of control due to Fish. I remember talking to Georgie. I remember talking to Benji. I remember asking Matt, the ex, to leave then telling him his ass looked hot in jeans. The rest is gone, there is nothing. 

Well, I woke up at 5:30 am naked. When I went into my bathroom, there was vomit in the sink and on the floor. Better still, my shower curtain rod was ripped off the wall and lying in the tub. I went to the kitchen for water and noticed there was a garbage can outside my door along with some more vomit by my feet, lovely. 5 aspirin later, I took my place back in bed after washing the zombie remains off my face. Then I saw that I had some missed text messages.  OMG - HAP... and I missed it (note to self, do not get so excited about the married guy, but I do so I text him back for awhile before both going back to bed. Kev had also sent me a text telling me I was Well, I guess it is nice to hear. 

After talking with Benji and Amy, it appears I was one hot mess. I can't fucking believe I blacked out and wasted the best buzz I have had in ages from booze!