Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i am....

  • generally a happy person
  • someone who loves to make others smile
  • generous
  • selfless
  • shy
  • a loner
  • easily entertained
  • easy going
  • low maintanance
  • a lover of music
  • a lover of art
  • a tea drinker
  • a shot taker
  • a risk taker
  • a kinky freak at times
  • a romantic at heart
  • an in the moment lover
  • recovering vegetarian
  • a former member of PETA
  • willing to learn
  • eager to try new things
  • always willing to hear you out
  • someone who learned not to make decisions in the heat of the moment
  • one who will never intentionally hurt anyone
  • an animal lover
  • alive when I am with him
  • safe when I am with him
  • also alive and safe with the other
  • honest and choose not to lie
  • a talker
  • afraid to fall in love
  • unwilling to face my past
  • uncertain about my ability to put myself first
  • worried about how my family will make it without me
  • wanting to move somewhere new and never look back
  • lonely because I isolate so much
  • anxious to spend time with Pickle
  • happy to see Sweet Daddy in December
  • mad that I push too hard sometimes
  • terrified of being abandoned by someone I care about
  • convinced most people cheat
  • mad that I think most people cheat
  • scared I won't be good enough
  • proud to be trusted so much by others
  • a great listener
  • a woman who cares for those less fortunate
  • not a religious person
  • helpful
  • responsible
  • courteous
  • giving
  • a girl who loves to give gifts to those I care about
  • an incest survivor
  • a head case at times
  • a sister
  • an aunt
  • a daughter
  • a friend
  • a lover
  • smart
  • witty
  • fun
  • the best person to have on your side
  • the worst person to have against you