Monday, November 09, 2009

out with the old...

Yesterday, I was chatting online with my chemical romance and he was telling me how good I looked the last time I was over. I told him that I think I have actually lost more weight in the past week and a half. He pretty much likes me the way that I am, but he definitely notices how my confidence changes with every lost pound. And with the weight loss, my clothes have changed and he most certainly likes that. He is seeing a new woman each time we meet :-) I feel much sexier and comfortable when we are together, but I am glad he is okay either way.

As of today, I have lost 49 lbs! I can not believe is mind boggling! I am sure I will meet my goal of 30 lbs by Christmas...I have 11 lbs to go, but would like to lose 21!!!!

So back to yesterday. As, I am talking with him I got the urge to run...what the heck? Been off for two weeks, but I was up disinfecting and cleaning yesterday so I went for it. Did over 3 miles at an easy pace and it was not difficult. I expected maybe 10 minutes or so, but I felt like I could run forever. Went back upstairs and decided it was time for another sweep of the old clothes.

This time I went through drawers and totes in addition to the closet and I was able to get rid of so much. Some of it was hard to let go, but I am never going back - ever. I always hoped I would get back into some of these things. I am in them and have even had to get rid of them :) Loving this journey.

Hopefully, I can see my chemical romance soon - he has banished me for fear of contracting H1N1...but, I can be pretty persistent. Also, Sweet Daddy will be home in less than two months - I miss him and can't wait to hug him!!!

Farewell favorite work shirt - I love you, but Ashley made me promise to let you go after the latest shopping spree...forgive me...

And goodbye to you, my wedding shirt in my favorite color of pink...we had a great run :)

And you, the jeans I was so happy to get into 20-25 lbs ago. You were so cute, and I will never forget how you looked when you fit...but you really blew it the last time at Pickle's when you wouldn't stay up (not real mad about that - lol), so it's over! Again, forgive me...

And the rest of you...good bye - thanks for the good times, but it's time to move on. It's not you, it's me!

Motivated for the next 50,


purdy32887 said...

So proud of you E!
I cannot believe you got rid of our wedding clothes! You should have gotten it dry cleaned and put in a preservation box!
And because you love movie quotes and I just watched this one, this is you:
"I just felt like running" - Forrest Gump