Saturday, November 07, 2009

my first day back...

So, I have been sick all week and out of work. Today is the first day I have ventured out of the house for fun. Yesterday, I did go to express care and the store to get Lysol. Anyway, today I stopped by Cyndi and Chad's to pick up my FLs CD and see the girls in their costumes (had to skip T or Ting this year due to AJ being sick) then off to Old Navy. ON is an addiction lately - it's terrible.  But this time I really meant to go only to have a security tag removed from a pair of pants I got last week (I didn't steal them either, they were rolled up)!

Well, I got there and noticed it was 30% off if you use your card, so I went to find this cute pair of active pants that I love. Because if you love them you need 2, but they didn't have a second in my size last time. It's worth a shot right, of course. And on the way over to them I saw this adorable green sweatshirt with faux fir - need it, grab it, move on. Found the pants and they had my size - yippee, need them, grab them, move on. In the checkout line I noticed the sports socks were still on grabbed 6 pair - I run, need them, grab them, check out!

Was just gonna go back home, but saw that damn Culver's and had to get my beef on...son of a bitch!

Oh totally forgot, when I was leaving my building saw 2 little girl's bikes laying in the hallway. Crawled over them to get my mail and again to get out to my car. Right when I got to the door...I see this just laying by the bikes...WTF????

Finally back home. Going to hit the hot tub since I am so sore from laying in bed all day...but luckily, I have my new laptop and my lovely and comfy new bedding to keep me somewhat happy :-)