Friday, November 13, 2009


I should be running right now because I am meeting Brian L tonight at 8 pm. But, I am not doing it. I will, but right now I am going to blog. Just got an email from my ex - the one in the blog yesterday...I still don't like him, but enough time has passed that I don't have the urge to throw up anymore when I think of him. I am so over it, and just glad it didn't work out!

Other topic, A. So, I sent her an email letting her know why I didn't want to be friends with her. I don't regret that I sent it or the things I said, but I sent it on her birthday which was kind of shitty. I wasn't going to do that...originally, I was going to wait until the next day but she sort of set me off when she (shit just got a call from my mom that my niece was arrested today - son of a fucking bitch!!!) anyway, she set me off  when Ashley and I got her some treats from the cafeteria for her birthday and she had some bullshit fb status about how today would have been better if her friends were around and how they would have gotten her something...yeah, because that is so important - oh wait, we did get you wishing we didn't. Who cares, it's done. I couldn't handle the he said she said with pickle anyway and chose to believe him not her.