Friday, November 13, 2009

the email that took a load off, but still feels shitty...

I am not sure of how to start this, but it needs to be done. I do not want to be your friend anymore because I do not consider you a friend. I appreciate all you did for me when I was without my license, but I do believe that is the only nice thing you have done for me. Though I do appreciate that I was able to meet D through you. Be certain that this has nothing to do with him, or whom I choose to believe or disbelieve about your situation. But if I had to, I would choose to believe him. He has given me no reason to think he would lie to me, and has only been honest and real with me.

I do not believe you are honest or real. I think you are so full of insecurities that it clouds your daily life into one of delusion. You are able to flip from one feeling to another in an instant depending on the reaction you get from others, and I think this is because you don't know how to read or handle emotion. I am sorry if someone hurt you, but it is like you are so afraid of getting hurt again that you lie and convince yourself you don't feel. You DID like D, I remember. You only didn't when it became clear that he didn't want you. I have seen you flip flop like this with every guy I have known you to speak of. I can see why he thought you were a player, the way you talk about so many guys...but the truth is, none of them are options. People don't know that when listening to you speak or reading facebook. They think you are involved the way you talk, when many you have never met.

It gets tiresome to listen to someone talk about how pretty they are on a regular basis. I am not going to listen to that anymore, it is absolutely ridiculous. No one does that, and if they do then they too should just stop. What makes you think you are so fortunate and blessed and gorgeous? I have heard you talk about the problems in your family, I have seen you rejected, I have never known you to date anyone, I have heard you struggle with money. You are not what you much as you would like it to be so. The car might fit with who you want to be, but it just fits into the delusion that if you put on JCrew you will be all you want to be. And, it is odd how much you talk about money that your family has. No one cares or wants to listen to someone brag. My life is far from perfect, but it is all real and I don't change depending on the day, the person, or the circumstance.

You once said everyone was jealous of you. I doubt it. Why would they be? You said that to me, in fact. And I wonder...just what is it that you think you have that I don't? You said you didn't want me jealous of H or that nitetrain guy...I was trying to make you feel good about the night train guy...and don't forget, I turned H down long before he ever came to you. He continued to ask me out even when you were seeing him...I chose to pick you over him. I know you have not said nice things about me, and I don't care other than I wished you had said it to my face. I know who I am and I won't apologize for it. I never slept with anyone from POF, not once and only kissed A and J. I did meet D before the wedding and was not honest about the fact that we were seeing eachother. But, in fairness, I tried to be certain you were not seeing him - since you made it sound like you were. I do believe that if he wanted you, he would have tried based on the fact that he made certain to meet me days after talking to me, and showed his interest right away. Camping and hotel rooms certainly allow for that if he would have liked you, especially since you liked him so much that you actually said to me "I am not going to let myself sleep with him at this wedding". Remember that? who says that when they don't like someone or are not interested.

Also, I don't appreciate the passive agressive digs that you present on regular basis. Facebook, chat, and email. I know when you are talking about me, but I always have to confront you to get it out of you. I have seen emails that you have sent to people here (not Ashley) that do not paint me in a positive light...that is just cold. I have never done that to you. All in all, friends are supposed to build you up and make you feel good. You do not do that for me.

I know this will be awkward because we work so close together, but I had to say it because it has really been bothering me lately. I will not be anything less than kind to you at work. I am sorry if you did not take the brownie and soda or happy birthday as your mind, you are a pretty princess and were obviously expecting much more - welcome to the real world...your just a woman, not a princess. And we did something that was out of a kind gesture that went unappreciated. Not surprising, but we certainly should have re-thought that looking back.

Things might change for you when you think of putting others first or at least equal. You are not as great as you have made yourself out to be, and I don't mean that in a mean way...just trying to offer friendly advice. Also, when someone is in a bad mood perhaps you should try to either get to the bottom of it or back off b/c they don't want to tell you rather than tell them to "buck up" b/c you don't like that side of them.

Happy Birthday,