Friday, November 20, 2009

being there...

Ok, so I had a real moment of not knowing what I was talking about when pickle was trying to help me get a TB external drive for my computer. This made me realize that it is lame to act dumb around him to make him think I am not looking things up just to have something in common because he never believes I am honest about it anyway. Apparently, he has never met anyone like me before - I am happy about that but not surprised.

Example...we were watching a Wilco concert and I tried to play it cool and say...yeah, I sort of know them. Got a CD once from a co-worker...don't know which one though it was brown. He was like what year? I said I don't know don't pay attention to those things...maybe 2001 or 2002..he said probably Yankee Hotel Foxtrot...I said sure...don't really know CD names. Bullshit...anyone who knows me knows this is not true. But I am so afraid he thinks I am a poser!  Ps - it was really Being There...from the 90's and not from a friend that was my first Wilco CD.

Well, I sold them all on Ebay and lost my DVD of awhile back I asked Big Johnson to hook me up. Oh Pickle, you must think me so lame.

Anyway, finally got a little taste from big J which is good since I have had Wilco lyrics in my head for weeks!  I have also been working on a song for Pickle - totes mcgoats I am nervous to play and sing for him, but it is one of my favorites and I really hope he likes it!

From here on out I am real...just me - believe me, I have no reason to lie...just happen to have pretty good taste in music.
