Tuesday, November 24, 2009

what goes around comes around...

So, I have this co-worker that I used to consider a friend who would send me blogs from another female with her own edits. I admit, sometimes I laughed but I am sure she sent my blogs to others with her side comments as well...I would still laugh at that too had she not been a chicken shit and hid behind her private blog (if you can't say someting b/c you are afraid of what someone will see...don't write it)!  I have a sense of humor and I don't take myself seriously like she does - read my shit, I hope you do!. Anyway, she had this up as a status one day - I have since deleted her, but this is the translation that was added from another person...lmao because it is so true!

Her status:
i love friday nights all to myself. seriously. chinese, drinks, ghost whisperer and cleaning while wearing heels and listening to le ipod :)

I am a lonely person. Another Friday night all to myself? I am going to eat lots of calories, watch myself get fatter, drink myself "happy" and watch shitty t.v instead of going on a date. And, I'm going to pretend that I like it. Sniff Sniff….
Lmao and pretend it is a hot thing to see me clean in heels listening to my shitty top 40 music!
I am going to put on what I would wear to a date if I had one, and clean my nasty ghetto ass apt. instead!
Karma is a bitch - just like you poser! Nice tweet about me bringing guys down from the cities to fuck. What bullshit! The only person I brought from the cities to fuck is the guy you couldn't have!!!  Nice, and it was so worth it I decided to keep doing it for the past 2 months now! Goody two shoes too tight? Bullshit!  You just can't get any - it isn't that you won't. Because you wanted to screw Deals, Austin, Pickle, the lame doctor, and anyone else...but none of them would have you. Guess you aren't as great as you would like to believe...

Blog that one out dog face! I am sure all your little fake friends will support you because they don't know you. And as for Susan...she is just dumb, but not her fault...she never knew you said she and her husband were ugly! Nice friend!