Monday, October 05, 2009

Trail of Dead...

So, I am bothered lately because I was not honest with someone. And, it was for a stupid reason. Okay, so this person I am getting to know was talking about this band, and I played it off like I didn't really know much about them. When you have so much in common with someone, it can almost seem unreal or like the person is just saying what they think you want to hear. I am not that girl (very independent) and would hate if anyone thought my opinions are not original. My mind is full of lists...sometimes these lists are ranked...and sometimes these lists are tests that I hope one day will be validated. This was a case of the latter. I have a list of bands that for whatever reason mean a lot to me. It is my hope that I will encounter people who also enjoy these bands and can understand why I hold them dear (or have at least heard of them).

My list of bands I want to share (top 5 without order) = arcade fire, violent femmes, flaming lips, dead milkmen, and the cure.

My list of songs I want to share (top 5 without order) = just like heaven, the blower's daughter, will you smile again for me, golden years, and is this it.

My list of movies I want to share (top 5 without order) = shawshank redemption, magnolia, fight club, kentucky fried movie, and the godfather.

My list of books I want to share (top 5 without order) = animal farm, lord of the flies, where the wild things are, sideways, and angela's ashes.

So, the first night I met this guy we were hanging out and an arcade fire song came on tv...maybe in the backseat? I assumed it was a car commercial - lol, but when I said, "oh I love arcade fire" he not only knew them, but liked them. Nice.

Then we were talking one day and he sent me a link to so divided by and you will know us by the trail of dead. He said it was a very powerful song when he and his long term gf broke up. I was completely caught off guard and was like yah, I have heard of them...what I really wanted to say was that in 05-06 the rest will follow was a crutch for me in a long term break up and transition of starting graduate school. I didn't mention it b/c he would never believe it. I don't believe him - is he a robot sent to destroy me with his "beautiful face" - does he realize, lol!

More coinincidentals...when I was at his place he mentioned the Shawshank Redemption being a favorite...well, guess what - me shit!  But everyone loves that movie, right!?  And as if he walked into my head and read my list of 5 things I would like a guy to do for me...he left the room and came back with a guitar. NO FUCKING WAY - he plays and sings. I was wet (V)  :)

He is going to be a great friend! I will NOT ever let myself like him more...I do not really like people once I like them like them...I am an odd duck.

One thing is for sure - I mos def dig this guy and like what we do!!!! He makes me really like myself a lot :)
E Underpants