Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mr. E's beautiful blues...

Ah, Mr. E is a mystery...cleaver play on words, eh? :)

How does he know when I am detaching? It is like the second I tell myself to move on...he calls or texts. And it just throws me in a tizzy tailspin. Don't get me wrong, that is what I want...he is who I want. Still, it is always when I least expect it - when I have business with someone else. For example, every date I have been on in the past month or two...Mr. E gets a hold of me. Now that I am very casually seeing someone (nothing serious - he is just wicked fun and hot), he tells me it makes him throw up in his mouth to think about me with another guy. Then tells me he knows I can't wait around for him...but, in the same conversation states he may be coming home to trout run  What am I supposed to do with that? And how do I give my sexy pickle my all when I am thinking about my Nathan coming back?!  

Grrr...I know there are bigger problems in the world, but I am just trying to have fun and live life with people I enjoy...and here comes this big huge cock block (well, he isn't my only cock block right now, but anyway)...the boy I heart too much...poor me. 

On the flip side, my companion pickle is too much fun. He always makes me laugh and smile; he is sarcastic and smart. I think he sort of gets me, but I am not getting him at all and enjoying every minute of it - lol (he is an enigma - I think perhaps a little bipolar), but it is always a rad/fun adventure with E and D...I am just enjoying the ride until it comes to end. Hopefully, not too soon...I like to make him smile too - he is going to be a good friend! He is a nice addition to Nathan...they are very similar in many areas...too many areas ;)

E asy on the soul...