Thursday, July 30, 2009

Knee Deep in the Hoopla

Oh, look at our NYC Christmas card moment with Molly :-) This was a great night, probably one of my favorites on the trip. We spent most of the day in bed recovering from the night before, but soon ventured out to meet my friend E and his dog Molly at Pinkberry (yummy!!!). After some fro yo, we were off to walk through Central Park on our way to the Museum of Natural History. Great walk through the park, but the museum was a bust! N and I were pretty excited about a few things there. We decided right away that we would figure out what we wanted to see rather than just the blind walk for hours.

Looking over the maps, we opted for about 4 major areas (not including the planetarium and the omni theater, which we were equally excited about). Well, our fun filled day at the museum was not to be. It appeared the things we went to see were either impossible to find or closed off for parties and renovations. So, on to the omni and planetarium only to find out that neither were included in our tickets. Well, we would have had to go all the way back to the front and wait in line to get these - F that...we skipped both :-( 

Then it just got to be too much, nothing was really working out and there were so many people that I was just getting a little out of sorts. Nathan quickly saw that and used humor to keep me going - it worked!!! But, we had to get out of there quick...luckily the tickets were comp tickets due to his working for a partner company.

Next, we went back to the hotel for a little cozy naptime - I miss that the most...he always commented that I was so warm. I think it was because he was so easy to comfy into...ick...anyway, off to our one on one slumber. We had to prepare for our evening with E and his dog Molly.

Talk about great location! E has a lovely Manhattan apt that goes for about $2,500.00/mo (thanks Bloomberg). That seems crazy to me, but after seeing it - I would pay that in NYC. I have seen Ellen shows in which people pay thousands of dollars to live in a closet. He has 3 rooms and a great rooftop with a lovely and inspiring view. We talked and laughed while sipping wine in the wind...perfection. I loved both of these men at that very moment, and there was nowhere else I would rather be. We ended the time there with a live stream of our favorite MN radio station - the Current - and reminisced.

Nathan and I left in search of Karaoke so we could sing "We built this city", as knee deep in the hoopla was becoming quite the theme for us :-) However, we ended up at an Irish pub and an Irish bar - both were spectacular and allowed me to participate in two of my favorite leisure activities - D&D (Dropping a beat and Dancing). We danced all night until 4 am - then again took our place beside one another in peace and slumber.

Kisses on my neck and shoulders - then sleep, kisses on my neck and shoulders - then awake...what a lovely cycle!


AP said...

cute pic! and dammit now I have that song stuck in my head!