Friday, July 31, 2009

Ick the Pics...

Here we go, moment of truth...this is already after 25 lb weight loss, but I want to document from this point forward...ick frickin ick, but here we go! Here's to all natural!

Send in the clowns...

So, there's a party in my two sizes smaller pants that is!!!! F yeah, I got into this bitches after about 2.5 years of trying to get them over my hips. I feel super great about this because it was unexpected. I went home over lunch today to get some clothes that are now too big for me, and I thought just for the heck of it I would try these jeans on since I don't like the way any of my fat ones fit. Hells Bells...they fit and were not even tight...I had to do a double take at the size thinking there was no way they were the pair I thought they were.

I continue to be motivated by the progress I am making, and I am over the moon to actually see the results as the fat just burns off of my body. I am going to put myself out there and post a pic so that I have a visual diary of today and my many tomorrows. If I can encourage one person to get off their tush - it is all worth it.

I have now lost about 25 lbs...and I am just getting started! In fact, it is time for a walk with my home girl AP!

See ya :-)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Knee Deep in the Hoopla

Oh, look at our NYC Christmas card moment with Molly :-) This was a great night, probably one of my favorites on the trip. We spent most of the day in bed recovering from the night before, but soon ventured out to meet my friend E and his dog Molly at Pinkberry (yummy!!!). After some fro yo, we were off to walk through Central Park on our way to the Museum of Natural History. Great walk through the park, but the museum was a bust! N and I were pretty excited about a few things there. We decided right away that we would figure out what we wanted to see rather than just the blind walk for hours.

Looking over the maps, we opted for about 4 major areas (not including the planetarium and the omni theater, which we were equally excited about). Well, our fun filled day at the museum was not to be. It appeared the things we went to see were either impossible to find or closed off for parties and renovations. So, on to the omni and planetarium only to find out that neither were included in our tickets. Well, we would have had to go all the way back to the front and wait in line to get these - F that...we skipped both :-( 

Then it just got to be too much, nothing was really working out and there were so many people that I was just getting a little out of sorts. Nathan quickly saw that and used humor to keep me going - it worked!!! But, we had to get out of there quick...luckily the tickets were comp tickets due to his working for a partner company.

Next, we went back to the hotel for a little cozy naptime - I miss that the most...he always commented that I was so warm. I think it was because he was so easy to comfy into...ick...anyway, off to our one on one slumber. We had to prepare for our evening with E and his dog Molly.

Talk about great location! E has a lovely Manhattan apt that goes for about $2,500.00/mo (thanks Bloomberg). That seems crazy to me, but after seeing it - I would pay that in NYC. I have seen Ellen shows in which people pay thousands of dollars to live in a closet. He has 3 rooms and a great rooftop with a lovely and inspiring view. We talked and laughed while sipping wine in the wind...perfection. I loved both of these men at that very moment, and there was nowhere else I would rather be. We ended the time there with a live stream of our favorite MN radio station - the Current - and reminisced.

Nathan and I left in search of Karaoke so we could sing "We built this city", as knee deep in the hoopla was becoming quite the theme for us :-) However, we ended up at an Irish pub and an Irish bar - both were spectacular and allowed me to participate in two of my favorite leisure activities - D&D (Dropping a beat and Dancing). We danced all night until 4 am - then again took our place beside one another in peace and slumber.

Kisses on my neck and shoulders - then sleep, kisses on my neck and shoulders - then awake...what a lovely cycle!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back to Reality :-(

Well, here I am back at work and back to my current reality. AND I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!!!!!! In fact, I feel sad and have very low energy the past two days since I have been home. 

Right now I am just trying to get out of my slump. Took a little walkie walk with Amy today; that helped some, but still just feel kind of empty. I think I have been avoiding the fact that I need to first determine what it is that has me down, accept the feeling, and move on. I keep telling myself it was leaving New York City or having to come back here, but my gut tells me it is the fact that I am no longer spending every moment with one of my favorite people. Have I been kidding myself about how I feel? What the F just happened to us? What the F just happened to my head and my heart...I'm in a tailspin and I am freaking out!

I miss hurts...I wonder what happens next...I wonder if he misses me...I wonder if he thinks of me...I wonder if he hurts...

I fucking hate ESPN for taking him from me here in MN!!!!!

I want to go see him in CT ASAP - this is NOT good...

To be continued...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

22 hours and counting...

In 22 hours, I will be in NYC :) I can not wait one more second, seriously. I am not sure what I am looking most forward...the art, the music, the soy burgers at McDonald's, or the company! Probably all of them together as my personal smorgasboard.

I am so eager to see my friend N. I don't think anyone could possibly understand. I am also nervous because we have such a history. Up and down for years and years. I think we both care more than we could ever admit to one another. It is scary to think of what the future holds for us, as this can only last so long...or can it really just stay status quo?

Until then, I will work 6.5 more hours for Mother Mayo and then off to my boy G's for some R&R - Riesling and Relaxation. He is so my fave for that - the plan is to introduce him to Don Vito Corleone, as they have not yet met :)

I was able to get into some pants that haven't fit for a "Bill Long" time, which is very exciting. And now it is 5 pm, so I am going to put on some jeans - yippee for closing time at Mayo :-)


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Practice makes perfect...

So, I am not ever very good with consistency. I am easily bored and distracted. Anyway, I am really going to try to keep this blog going. I think it will be fun and perhaps therapeutic :)

I have tried to journal many times without success, but I have managed to exercise almost every day now for two, I can apparently be trained.

Today is a good day. I have off at my practicum for the next week - hooray (sorry to my guys, but hey it is nice to have a break), and I work today/tomorrow then off till Tuesday. What is the occasion? Glad you asked, I am going to NYC baby!!! I am going to meet up with a good friend (N) and also meet up with an old friend (E).

In honor of this special occasion, my home girl LaSarah is doing my nails - french tip, yo. I am having a hard time sleeping at night because I am so excited. I find my mind racing with thoughts and words like "rata tat tat" and "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twe eh eh eh eh eh elve".

Hanging with my friend Logan, whom I adore on Wednesday and that makes my brain stop - yippee! That means tonight is my last restless night before I head off on the fun adventures of new Elisa...wish me luck :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

21 lbs today!!!

It is official - I am down 21 lbs today! Let's go eat :)

Day one...60 days late

My very first blog - yay! So, today I begin to log my journey. This is a journey that began the last day of May 2009, a day that I said "fuck it - it's time to bounce and roll". The day I became free of all the burdens, the pain, the work, and the self loathing. Uh oh...if history repeats out world, here I come!!!!!