Wednesday, August 19, 2009

long time, no post...

Talk about has a funny way of slapping the shit out of us sometimes. But, here I am and I am going as strong as ever! I am now down 35 lbs as of yesterday!!!! One more pound and I have reached my first major hurdle. From there...70 more lbs to go and I can't wait. I am loving this journey. Got rid of more clothes yesterday (that feels awesome b/c they are too big, not too tight for once!) and my VIP girls are threatening to come and raid my closet and pull a what not to wear bit on me. I was given direct orders to get rid of one shirt in particular, so that will go today :)

I love these girls - they really stand by and support a sister and I will continue to do the same for them. I love that we are all successful jealousy, no one up...just love, support, congrats, and encouragement! I am blessed. I know I don't have many people in my life, but the ones I have chosen to share it with are pretty amazing.

I am still moving forward with my life vision and despite a break (not a bump) in the road, I am still excited to see what comes next!

Moving on...


AP said...

Hell yeah VIP girls! I really love all those things about us too. So glad there's no jealousy or one-upping etc. and I love love love the support too! :)

You can do it E!

purdy32887 said...

We certainly are a good support group! I am so proud of you Alicia ( :p ) and it is so awesome to see you so happy!
VIP baby!