Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The me I strive to be...

  • healthy in mind
  • healthy in spirit
  • healthy in body
  • self loving
  • self forgiving
  • honest to self
  • honest to others
  • kind to self
  • kind to others
  • compassionate
  • respectful
  • encompassing intelligence
  • trusting
  • supportive
  • happy
  • successful - that means something bigger for me (later blog discussion)
  • comfortable in my own skin
  • comfortable alone
  • willing to let someone love me

This is not far off from me right now. With some tweaking and growth - this should be easy to attain.


long time, no post...

Talk about has a funny way of slapping the shit out of us sometimes. But, here I am and I am going as strong as ever! I am now down 35 lbs as of yesterday!!!! One more pound and I have reached my first major hurdle. From there...70 more lbs to go and I can't wait. I am loving this journey. Got rid of more clothes yesterday (that feels awesome b/c they are too big, not too tight for once!) and my VIP girls are threatening to come and raid my closet and pull a what not to wear bit on me. I was given direct orders to get rid of one shirt in particular, so that will go today :)

I love these girls - they really stand by and support a sister and I will continue to do the same for them. I love that we are all successful jealousy, no one up...just love, support, congrats, and encouragement! I am blessed. I know I don't have many people in my life, but the ones I have chosen to share it with are pretty amazing.

I am still moving forward with my life vision and despite a break (not a bump) in the road, I am still excited to see what comes next!

Moving on...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The ACT new journey

A - Accept your current reality and feelings

C - Choose your life vision

T - Take action to get there

So, basically it is time for me to stop pretending and figure out (honestly)...who am I? What have I done? What can I still do? What can I have in this life? What steps do I need to take to get to happy head space?

First, I must assess where I am and where I have been to see the kind of person I would like to be.

Come with me...I welcome the accountability.

one down...several to go!

So today I bought my bag! The first of my rewards with many more to come :) I am inserting a picture, so the one person who reads this can see it in all its loveliness...oh wait, she has already seen it. Oh, well maybe one day someone will actually read this thing...for now, it is my therapy.

Yippee. Also, last night I was able to get into 2 pairs of my 16 pants!!! Hello - I may be able to shop outside of the big girl store now.

E cstatic!

Monday, August 10, 2009

OMFG!!! Is this real?...

As of today, August 10, 2009 - I am down 32 lbs!!!! I really didn't think it was possible, as I have been in a slump the past 8 years or so...but, here I am proving it to myself every day. And no tricks...just watching my portions and exercising. I still eat whatever I want, just less...and it was easy to increase exercise since I did NONE! I am now running 30 minutes 2 days a week, and soon will increase that to 4-5 times a week.

Pimpmaster Flex is going to show me some exercises for my pecs - to keep the girls supported with the weight loss :)

I am so excited, but I have a, I will celebrate silently!

4 pounds to go for first milestone.


Thursday, August 06, 2009

New addition...

So, the VIP girls (Ashley, Amy, and myself) have a new addition to the group...the one, the only - da da - Pimpmaster Flex (a.k.a. Jorge).

The best is yet to come,

28 pounds later...

So, today it is official. I am down 28 lbs. I still can only tell a little bit, but when I think of that number it is large. I should give myself more credit. I mean, I am proud of myself...I am just overwhelmed with how much I still have to lose. The good news is that I am still very excited about the process. To continue the excitment, I have made a list of the things I will reward myself with for every 10 lbs lost. I would like to lose 78 more, I will list my 8 things to get (in no particular order).

1. Coach bag - Op Art Sabrina
2. Shirts
3. Pants
4. Smaller and Sexier Panties
5. Laptop
6. Trip with my best friend Nathan
7. Coach Wallet to match grey bag in #1 spot
8. Large and travel bottles of L'eau D'Issey

8 lbs to my first reward, hmmm...what will it be? I suspect the bag since I loved it so much!!!!

I am getting back on track with the walking at work, so this should be a little easier. I have slowed down lately. I am also running 30 minutes at a time now, so that is very exciting. Now that I will be working days, I hope to run and do weights at least 5 days a week. I anticipate the walking at work will decrease, but I will still make it a priority on my downtime.

As John Bingham says, "Waddle On!"